Even if you’re new to owning and using a hot tub regularly, you’re probably already aware of just how important it is to use hot tub chemicals to sanitise your water to maintain good water hygiene.

However, if you’ve been using your hot tub for a while, then we’ve also no doubt that you’ve considered using your hot tub without chemicals in order to save both time and money around hot tub maintenance. After all, the water that you add to your hot tub is clean and circulates at high temperatures. Surely, it’s safe to use on its own?

Well, as it turns out, no, it’s not a good idea to bathe in a chemical free hot tub, at least not for prolonged periods. Keep reading to learn why this is and what you can do to reduce sanitiser chemical costs if you need to save money.

Is it safe to use a hot tub without chemicals?

In short, no, it is absolutely not safe to use a hot tub without chemicals except in very specific circumstances. For example, if you have just refilled your hot tub with fresh, sanitised water, then you could use it without chemicals for an initial soak.

However, even a day or so without sanitising chemicals can be long enough for bacteria to settle and for dirt to start clogging your hot tub’s systems, making it far more likely that your hot tub will make you ill the next time you use it unsanitised.

What are the dangers of using a hot tub without chemicals?

For the most part, the main dangers posed by using a chemical-free hot tub revolve around the growth and spread of various waterborne bacteria, some of which can be very dangerous.

This is because, over time, untreated water becomes stagnant, which on its own can be pretty disgusting. However, when you combine this with warm temperatures, what you get is the perfect environment for bacteria to flourish in.

But it’s not only bacteria that you have to worry about. Algae can also grow in hot tubs if you don’t treat them properly, turning your hot tub water green so that it resembles a bubbling witch’s cauldron more than a place to rest and relax.

On top of this, mould and other fungi may also take the opportunity to make your hot tub their home and are often the prime culprits when it comes to clogging your pipes and blocking your hot tub’s jets.

How long does it take for bacteria to grow in a chemical-free hot tub?

Due to their hardy nature and prevalence literally everywhere, bacteria can start to grow in unsanitised water in as little as 2-3 days! However, this growth speed could be increased if your water is more conducive to bacterial growth, such as being filled with sweat, dirt, and oils.

Are there alternatives to traditional hot tub chemicals?

While traditional hot tub chemicals like bromine and chlorine are considered to be the most effective means of keeping your hot tub clean, there are several natural alternatives out there that you could try, including:

  • Ultraviolet systems – UV systems replace the role performed by chlorine by exposing your water to UV radiation in order to kill bacteria before it’s filtered out.
  • Ionizers – these systems prevent bacterial growth through the release of ions into the water. However, they do not eliminate bacteria entirely, and some amount of standard sanitiser will be needed in order to keep your water clean.
  • Biguanide – a potential alternative to normal sanitisers, biguanide is generally considered to be as effective as bromine and chlorine, though it may be more expensive.
  • Enzyme treatments – one of the best water-based natural treatments for keeping your hot tub clean, enzyme treatments can substantially reduce the volume of sanitiser needed to maintain healthy water levels.

How to reduce the amount of chemicals you use in your hot tub

In general, it’s advised that you stick to using some degree of sanitiser in your hot tub at all times. But, with that being said, there are a few things you can do to reduce sanitiser levels to save on costs, such as:

  • Investing in a hot tub cover to prevent contaminants from settling when not in use.
  • Showering before use to remove dead cells and oils.
  • Keeping your water level balanced at a neutral pH.
  • Shocking your hot tub regularly for a full clean.
  • Draining your hot tub more frequently and replacing it with fresh water.
  • Running the pumps longer for more thorough filtering.
  • Cleaning your hot tub filters every week to keep them operating at full efficiency.

Find your ideal hot tub with Platinum Spas

So, now you know why you shouldn’t use a hot tub without chemicals, as well as some other ways in which you can keep your water sanitised without investing more in traditional chemical sanitisers.

All that’s left to do now is for you to find your ideal hot tub from the Platinum Spa range. Built using the latest in hot tub technology, our tubs and swim spas come in several sizes to suit your needs. Why not visit your nearest hot tub showroom to see our products in person and don’t forget to visit our owners’ hub for more insightful hot tub articles on how to maintain your hot tub.

Chemical-free hot tub FAQs

Yes, it’s true that water treatment isn’t immediately required after filling your tub, meaning you could use your hot tub without chemicals for the first soak. However, after a few days, it’s strongly recommended you start sanitising your water in order to reduce bacterial build up.

Studies have shown that you can go without treating your hot tub for around two weeks before it’s no longer safe to use. However, this isn’t a good habit to get into. Instead, treat your hot tub with chemicals before the first use and continue to do so throughout its lifespan.

Jamie Smith
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